we close on our house tomorrow afternoon, and get to move in on Saturday. i'm looking forward to getting settled in, and gettin' my rest on. yeah, my rest. i've been allowed to go back to work 4 hours a day unless i begin experiencing a lot of contractions. i'm happy to hear that i can at least be in the office part time. i'm not so happy to have to have that conversation with my boss.
we had our doctor appointment in Peoria today, and the doctor noticed a slight decrease in the amniotic fluid level. not such a good thing for us, but they'll consult with the doctors in Cincinnati to see if it is something to be alarmed about.
we are not in panic mode at the moment. there are too many other things for us to be worrying about right now such as our house, and Reid getting his schoolwork done, and me trying to get my work done from home. something i thought would be possible but bed rest prevents even the smallest things from being possibilities. aside from all of that, added stress could not be good for our baby right now. we have to give it to God, and trust in our doctors and try to get on with things in the meantime.
How did the move go, lovely lady?! I can't wait to hear all about it...and see pictures!! :) Hope all is well with you, Reid, Signe, the BABY, and the new house!!! :)